The Governor and legislature are back in session for the 2011 school year. The Governor has proposed a budget that greatly reduces our school funding.
2011 Legislative Session
The Kansas legislature convened on January 10, 2011. On January 12, Governor Brownback gave his “State of the State” address and on the following day he released his budget, which by statute must be balanced. This is the initial start of the legislative process for the budget. Throughout the session, the legislature will consider many other proposals, and probably by mid-May, the legislature and governor will agree on a budget.
Brownback’s Education Budget
Governor Brownback’s budget proposes deeper cuts to K-12 funding. For the current fiscal year, which ends on June 30, 2011, he proposes a $75 cut to the Base State Aid Per Pupil of the General Fund, which is our operating budget. For Buhler USD 313 that cut totals $204,195! Furthermore, he proposes an additional reduction to the Base of $157 for the 2011-2012 school year. This cut totals $427,448, making a total cut of $631,643 to the Buhler USD 313 General Fund Budget! This is approximately a 5% reduction to the General Fund.
Click see a spreadsheet from KSDE on the Governor's budget.
You may have heard that the Governor has increased education spending. On the surface that is true, but the increases in funding are in KPERS, which has been underfunded for years, and in special ed., which is needed in order to receive federal money. However, none of these additional amounts translate to funds that we can access.
Budget Reductions to Date
In the past 24 months we have endured four different budget cuts that now total over 1,300,000! The Governor’s two additional reductions would make the total cuts nearly $2,000,000! The Board has made these cuts in a myriad of ways. Here are some of the reductions made to date: We have reduced the number of administrators, teachers, aides, secretaries, custodians, maintenance staff, coaches and bus drivers. Budgets for school supplies, library supplies, athletic supplies, have been slashed. No new textbooks have been purchased and professional development opportunities have been greatly reduced. We have cut bus routes, and field trips. We have reduced the number of days that school is in session. We have deferred many maintenance projects. All of these cuts were made after careful deliberation by the board.
Next steps
My blog, “Brass Tacks with David Brax” is now reactivated. This will help you to stay current on the legislative process. In early March, we will host a joint site council meeting for an update on the legislative process and to provide information on how to advocate for favorable legislation. I will periodically visit with the staff and the Board will develop a plan on how to address the next round of budget cuts.